Saturday, May 30, 2020

Hanging out with friends

Sometimes it is just perfect to cuddle up with friends and do absolutely nothing! On March 11 2020 Berry took me and nijntje and Bamboo to hang out with Aapie and Abu. Also Cappu Monkey was there and a new friend, named Gary. It was soooo nice. Just hanging out on the couch… watching a game on the television… while Berry and Aapie’s mom were talking and crocheting… And Bamboo helped out… and there were cookies and candies and icecream… It was great! (pictures by Berry de Nijs)

Also… Berry made Aapie a hat. He always wanted one that fit properly. He had a small one, but he wanted one that fitted perfectly and made him look like a popstar. Well… me think we succeeded right. Aapie was smiling the whole evening, so me think Berry did a good job. Also the colour is nice and flashy. Hihi.

Well… that was it actually. It was a nice relaxed evening with friends!

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