Saturday, July 07, 2018

Cookies Blogging Friends: Tipsy

Last month you could meet one of me blogging friends called Hope. This week me want to introduce you to Tipsy Cat Bose. But me can call her just Tipsy. She is a travelling lady with a blog about all her travels. She has been to so many cool places already! She is also the Chief Editor of Pet’s Mews, a very cool Newspaper for and by plushies about what matters in our lives. Me have written some articles for Pet’s Mews already and sometimes me dear Tipsy surprises me by placing a picture of me in her paper! It so cool. Me love her very much. And one day we will instameet – me certain! So this Blogger Profile is all about Tipsy. (picture by Berry de Nijs)

About Me

Name: Tipsy Cat Bose
Name of your blog: Travels With My Cat
Age: About 472*
Hobbies: Travelling, lolling around, reading, chatting, baking, climbing trees, gardening
Favourite Cookie: That’s quite a toughie, but I think chocolate digestives. Oh, and custard creams. And jammie dodgers. No, hold on, shortbread. Hmmm. Can I just say a “section box”?

*NB: cats, and in particular, teddy cats, have a different counting system from human pets

About My Blog

Do you know, so many people think I’m a bear. When I’m out and about having my photo taken by my human pet, people say “oh, what a cute bear” and then I have to say thank you and politely explain that I’m a teddy cat, not a bear heehee. Lots of people think I’m a boy too, but I’m a girl pussycat. Anyway, I don’t mind. My pet always says if she got a pound for every time someone made those mistakes, we’d be millionaires by now hehe.

Why did you start your blog?
I started because I love writing, and my pet loves taking photos of me, so the two seemed to go together quite well. And we both love travelling, so we often go about together. We love sharing our stories with others and hope we can inspire them to go this way and that way too. There’s always so much to see, even on your doorstep, and we love hearing from people about where they’ve been to so we can plan our next holiday. We’ve got so many places on our wish list, I think it will take all of my 9 lives to finish.

When did you start your blog?
I actually started writing my travel adventures about 199 years ago, but I only got my pet to do the blog in 2016 and started by putting up some of my older stories.

What is your blog about?
It’s about nice places you can go to, and nice things to eat, and what the nice plushie community on Instagram have been up to.

What do you prefer to write about on your blog?
Everything actually. I’m quite an easy going cat.

What is your favourite blog article you wrote?
That’s really tough, but maybe my very first post about seeing the northern lights in Iceland. That was a great experience and really got us hooked on writing. We also love doing Pets’ Mews - a mewspaper for instagramming plushies, pets, and their people. We always find the community so inspiring and hilarious. We love being a part of it!

What is, in your opinion, the blogger-magic?
Hmmm, maybe it’s finding connections with people. Showing them a little of our favourite things, and hoping they will find them useful and interesting too.

Tell us why we all must read your blog.
We really think plushies build bridges. From all over the world, we can help our human pets come together through ideas, awareness, culture and by giving them a lovely helping paw. We hope our stories and the Pets’ Mewspaper help sprinkle a bit of plushie magic dust around the world to make it a lovelier one.

Link to your blog:
Link to your Instagram: @travelswithmycat

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