Saturday, July 04, 2020

Cuddling elephants again!

O me COOKNESS! Me still no believe me saw me elephant buddies again last week! Berry and me went by train to The Hague and there they were. We went for cake and coffee to a café and me just had to hold them. Maybe a bit too tight, but it been a while. Me last saw them on our Madurodam trip (remember). That a loooong time ago. So this was AMAZING. Me was so happy, me almost forgot to eat cake. Almost that is, hihi. (pictures by Berry de Nijs)

So it was Friday (FriYAY) June 26 and we went by bike to the train station. It was also first time me travelled by train since corona. It was weird. Berry wore her facemask and me forgotten mine, so me got to wear her cap instead (hihi).

Look here me is snuggling with me buddies! And we shared carrot cake. So nommy.

We also went to a museum. It called the Kunstmuseum and it is in The Hague. It was the first time for me to be there. It was fun! Also it was really quiet (because of the timeslot reservations one have to make). Me saw some great art works there. Me gonna show just a preview, because me will tell more about it in a Wednesday art blog soon.

The rooms were clearly marked by capacity. Me thinks this checks out quite nicely. O hello pretty lady.

Me think Keith and me nailed this pose. What do you mean, blurry picture? This painting just MOOOOves me (hihi)

Vincent my man, nice seeing you here! This pretty artwork gives the phrase ‘wall flower’ a whoooole new meaning.

So as you can see, we had LOADS of fun! It was so great to see me little friends again. Me hope to see them again soon.

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