Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Cookie At the Museum part 15: Kaap Skil & Schipbreuk- en Juttersmuseum Flora

O boy! Me totally forgot about these two museums me went to on me Summer vacation LAST YEAR. Me thought me was done after part 9 and then Berry said: ‘But we went to Kaap Skil with Frights and to the Juttersmuseum with Bamboo in the Summer!’ Also, she said it with a face palm, because she almost forgot about it too. Hihi. Silly huh that when it not a workthingy you can forget about these things so easily. Well… during our Summer vacation on the island of Texel we went to two museums and had a blast! So prepare for LOTS of fun pictures! (pictures by Berry de Nijs)

August 21 2019: Museum Kaap Skil

Me love Museum Kaap Skil! Me have visited it before, but this time me took Frights with us to see the lovely museum. There is an indoor and an outdoor museum. Indoor there is a floor with all kinds of cool stuff people have found in shipwrecks and on the shore. In the basement you find the biggest scale model of the ships that would come and go to Texel in the Golden Ages. Also there is a lot of history about the ships and the companies and the harbours from that time. It so cool. Outside there is a little village. It shows how people lived on the island around the 1930s. It is so fun to be there and look inside the houses and shops! There is a Bakery too. They also have this scale model of the ferry that takes us to Texel every time.

August 22 2019: Schipbreuk- en Juttersmuseum Flora

The shipwreck and beachcomber’s museum is also very very fun! It shows you all this stuff that people found on the beaches and water of Texel. Like toys, a Captain Picard fair board, amber gris, a mammoth tusk, tooth brushes and SO MUCH MORE! Lots of it is junk that fell off ships, or cargo that fell off ships. But also from the oilrigs and such. It confronting how much junk there is in our oceans. That is also what the museum tries to tell you when you are there. But there are also ships and rescue pods to explore and games to play. Me brought lil Bamboo to this museum, because me knew we would have fun together. He really loved it.

Me just love to go to Texel and visit these places.

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