COOKIE! That good enough for me... Unfortunately (wow long word) Dutch cookies don't start with the letter C, so for the yummy Dutch words me must talk about other stuff than cookies. But maybe… C is for chocolade (chocolate). They make all kinds of yummy things with chocolade! Like chocolate covered cookies and chocolade melk (chocolat milk). O boy O boy, me will like this letter C more than me thought! (chocolade melk)
Me was at a very special exposition yesterday. Me thought everything was made out of candy first, but then me looked closely and me could not believe me googly eyes! Everything was made out of LEGO! You know the colorful bricks little monsters like me love to play with. All the art was made by a man named Nathan Sawaya. He was there too with the opening of the exposition. He showed everything around, telling stories about all the pieces he made by himself!
…Berry! Because she is my best friend and she lets me use her laptop to write me Cookie Reports. But Berry also loves the colour blauw (blue). Lucky me. The letter B can stand for a lot of yummy Dutch B-words too. Like bosbes (blueberry) and braam (blackberry). And what about brood (bread), banket (pastries) and beleg (the things you can put on a yummy sandwich). But me rather talk about the treats me can get at a banketbakkerij (pastry bakery). And boy o boy you can get a lot of goodies at the bakkerij (bakery)! (picture of Berry on top!)
Hi again! Remember when me talked about the Rotterdam Zoo and me said Berry took soms other cute pictures of me? Well here is one of me in a cool liar. Well, it actually is a nest, made by a yellow bird. No, not Big Bird, a weaverbird. Me could sit in it for a while to rest, because Diergaarde Blijdorp (the Dutch name of the Rotterdam Zoo) is very big. What do you think of my cozy little nest?
Hello! And a Happy Friday to you all. Me decided to start writing about typical Dutch things again, using the alphabet of course – because me is good Sesame Street monster and it is easier to tell about things using the alphabet. This time me promises to complete all 26 letters. So from today until the beginning of November me will blog every Friday about typical Dutch things and treats. Of course me kicks off with the letter A.
O boy O boy O boy! Me is sooooo excited today. Me is celebrating BEST HOLIDAY EVER!
Because in USA today we celebrate National Chocolate Chip COOKIE DAY!
Me do not know why. Me do not care. Me is just gonna celebrate BIG TIME!
Hello everybody. Today me is going to blog about one of the oldest Dutch zoos that me have visited two times now: The Rotterdam Zoo called Diergaarde Blijdorp. When it opened its doors in 1855 it was merely a garden for water birds and pheasants. Also the general public was not allowed to come and visit the zoo. Only people who were a member of the society – mostly people with loads of money and a high social status – were allowed to visit the gardens. Over the years the zoo started to take form and more animals came to live in Rotterdam.