Friday, February 27, 2015

Happy International Polar Bear Day!

O boy. Happy International Polar Bear Day! Me really love polar bears. They look so fuzzy and white. There are few zoos in the Netherlands where polar bears live, but me really love to watch them whenever me can. Yes, me have to visit polar bears at the zoo. Sometimes me is scared that the zoo will be the only place on earth where polar bears can survive. With the melting ice at the North Pole, polar bears have less and less space to live. That makes me so sad sometimes. Polar Bear Day is a day where we must celebrate the polar bears and think how we can help them survive in the wild. And maybe their zoo family can help us to teach us how. Happy Polar Bear Day people. Me is going to hug a plushie one today.

Polar Bears at Ouwehands Dierenpark and Dierenrijk in the Netherlands

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