Thursday, August 16, 2018

Cookies Blogging Friends: Lovely Sloth

Hi everybody! Me is back with another profile about one of me Instagram friends who also have their own blog. This time you will learn more about the Lovely Sloth gang. Yes, there is more than one blogger in this company! They truly love to make things from scratch. Me even have a little something something from them. Me is mostly fan of all the nommy nommies they make. Do you want to know more about them too? Go on, read their profile. Me gonna drool over their website now. OM NOM NOM…

(picture by Berry de Nijs)

About me

Name: Lovely Sloth, but we are Benny, Panki, Vicky Autumn, Christine and many more
Name of your blog: Our Website is but you can find our blog under:
Hobbies: We love all the creative activities like drawing, screen printing, sewing, do handicraft and writing for our blog. We also love reading sloth books, talking to our Insta-Friends, travelling aaaaaand chilling. There is nothing better than cuddling in the arms of our human Christine.
Favourite Cookie: homemade cookies with chocolate

About my blog

When we took the pictures for the Heart Banana Cinnamon Scones we had a little accident. Poki and Pete Bernard baked together. Pete Bernard crushed the banana and Poki mixed the flour with baking powder. Poki was super excited this day. It was his idea to bake these Scones and he wanted to make everything perfect. When Pete Bernard added the banana to the bowl with the flour, Poki nudged the spoon with the flour into the sky and all the flour “rained” over them. We had do clean both before we could continue working. They looked like little ghosts. And the kitchen was very dirty. :D

Why did you start your blog?
We love writing, being creative and helping people. And with our blog we can do this whenever we want. In 2017 we started with our Lovely Sloth Business. And this was the best moment to create our blog. We had the opportunity to show our facilities.

When did you start your blog?
We started in May 2017

What is your blog about?
We write about DIY-Projects, Recipes, Sloth Knowledge and our Sloth Art. We want to show how easy it is to be creative and we want to give an insight into our Lovely Sloth work. We use different techniques for our Lovely Sloth items like screen printing, lino-cut, paper crafting and creating jewellery. Benny, Panki and Poki loves baking and cooking. They think, there aren’t enough recipes for “Sloth Cakes” and “Sloth Cookies” out there. This is the reason they started to create these cakes and cookies for all sloth lovers in the world. We also want to inform about sloths and write about some interesting sloth facts.

What do you prefer to write about on your blog?
Benny, Panki and Poki loves the recipe category. Christine is a huge DIY-Lover. She loves to write about our projects.

What is your favourite blog article you wrote?
“Die schönsten Liebeszitate” The most beautiful love citations. ( ). Because love is something special. It’s a powerful collection. We created some beautiful pictures with citations for this article, this was fun. We collected all these beautiful citations for humans, who need help to write a love letter.

What is, in your opinion, the blogger-magic?
The Blogger-magic is to write about things you love and to help other people with your articles. We want to share our ideas with our readers and be part of this wonderful world-wide-web-world. We had this amazing moment when someone wrote us and asked a question about one of our articles. We tried to help further. This was a magical moment. Because we knew, people hear (or read) us.

Tell us why we all must read your blog:
Well, we aren’t sure if you MUST read our blog. But if you love seeing plushies and especially sloths creating easy DIY-projects, baking tasty recipes and drawing cute sloth art you should read our blog. It’s made with slothlove.

Link to your blog:
Link to your Instagram:
Link to your Facebook:
Link to your Twitter:
Other links:

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