Me hopes you had a great Christmas. Me had a great Christmas too. With all kinds of delicious Christmas cookies and Christmas chocolates... But at the HeroClix Christmas Party me got a little taste of... ME!
A real Dutch sport is Speedskating. Although it is popular in other countries too, the Dutch really rule at it. The Dutch can get excited to watch others skate 10.000 meters in an iceskating stadium. Me did not understand until Berry dragged me to Thialf in Heerenveen on 7th of November to go and watch the Dutch Nationals. And now me understands!
Too bad there was an old lady living there... with her black cat... and two children, who looked rather sad... Me did not understand why... there was enough candy for everybody.
Ah well... me had a wonderful time and next time... me will EAT the HOUSE! Cause me don't see anything wrong in eating a lovely house like that...
Hello everybody. Here is Cookie Monster again with me 100th report! And because me wants to thank everyone who made it possible, me wants to share a beautiful creature at this memorable moment.
Cookie is nice and relaxed, because of his summer vacation in L'Escala in Spain.
Ola is the way they say Hello, and Spanish cookies are delicious!
But me loved the ocean the most. Me love watching it rolling on the beach. And the best was watching it at night!
Cookie needs to take a minute and tell you guys and girls something really important!
Everybody knows me loves to visit the Dolfinarium, Harderwijk in the Netherlands. Together with Berry, ofcourse. Last Sunday she grabbed me, told me we had to go... cause we had to see the little baby killer whale that is living there since a couple of days.
Here is Cookie with a new report.
Tomorrow in the Netherlands we will be celebrating Queensday again.
Queensday is the day - like when a Dutch sportsman or -girl of national sportsteam is playing - people dress up totally in Orange. Orange is the Dutch Royal colour. Some others will add some colours from the Dutch flag - red, white and blue - by painting flags on their cheeks.
Sometimes Cookie has to talk about the things that matter in life. Like politics, or global warming, or why Berry ate me last cookie... that sort of things. And sometimes Cookie just have to sit down, relax, eat his cookie, drink some milk and do not wonder why that dolphin in the background is grinding his teeth while he is looking at me...
... well... me can't help it, me is looking just delicious!
Due to volcanic ashes from the volcano in Iceland we could see a magnificent sunset in the Netherlands on 15th april. So Cookie jumped into the car with Berry, her dog Bassie and her dad to race into the fields to make a really cool Cookie Report!
The sun was setting the sky on fire, while the ashcloud bounced the light right back! It was truly spectacular! Cookie reported live from the castle of Haarzuilen. It looked like a fairytale castle. Maybe we could use it as a decor for Monsterpiece theatre?
Hi there!
Tomorrow is the 1st of April, better known as April Fools day.
Cookie like to make fun of my friends! But the pranks have to be fun for everyone! No hurting okay. So now hot sauce on cookies... or falling down piano's... or salt in the my milk... no, nothing of that.
Cookie has a lot of friends. Bassie is one of my great friends. And so is Henkje - Berries nephew. But a full year and nine months ago another nephew saw the light of life. His name is Thomas and he is supercute - like his big brother.
Cookie is still bouncing and dancing because me have watched a really great concert. Me went to see Boris together with Jenny Lane, Caro Emerald and The Wicked Jazz Sounds. It was really really cool!