Sunday, September 02, 2018

Visiting Artis in January

Or… the story how me hurt me eye…

This year me already have visited many zoos. In January Berry and me – well, mostly Berry – needed to clear her mind so we went to Artis in Amsterdam (it also known as Amsterdam Zoo). It was January 30 when we went. Although it was winter time, it surely felt like a spring day. Me was really excited to go to Artis, because me never been there before. The last time Berry was there she was just a little girl. So… it was about time to experience this zoo together.

We took the train to Amsterdam. Me love traveling by train. Me can sit on the table and look outside. It so relaxing. After a smooth train ride we hopped on the tram which took us to the zoo. The funny thing about Artis is, that it lays in the city. It a true city zoo. It also a very old zoo with a long history, cuz it one of the firsts in the Netherlands. The monumental gate is truly magnificent.

Me was quite pleased with the zoo. There are so many beautiful animals living there. Me like the Alpine goats, the lions (sadly, the male one passed away last week), elephants, tapirs and even butterflies, sealions, red panda’s, African spotted dogs and penguins… and many many more! Me really looked me googly eyes out! O and me had so much fun with the little Colombian monkey baby! He was so cute!

But the bestest and most beautiful habitat we loved the most was the elephant habitat. It was really big and you can walk around it, getting all these nice glimpses of the elephants. The path leads to a lower point so you can see the elephants at water level drinking water! It was soooo cool. Especially because one of the big elephants was drinking when we were standing there. It was awesome. Me really wanted me picture taken at the water side. What could happen? Me sit on bannisters daily right… So Berry helped me up the bannister, took a few pictures of me and stepped forward to grab me when… someone bumped into the bannister and made me fall! Me fell backwards into the iron gate and hurt me eye. Me also fell in some water… Berry was so sad about it for me. And angry and she felt so guilty! But me told her it was okay and not her fault. We went for some nommies to feel better and at home she mended me eye like a pro! Me is going to be extra careful though sitting on bannisters and gate, that for sure! Me still love the pictures she took though.

Although me little accident put a mark on that day we did have loads of fun. Me hope the pictures do show that.

You know, me visited Artis also in May, but me will talk about that later next week.

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