Saturday, September 08, 2018

An awesome instameet in Artis

On May 27 me and Berry hopped on the train to Amsterdam to meet our sweet friends Tessa and Woody (of Richie and Keith the rebels) for some quality fun in the sun. We decided to go to Artis again. Me was a little nervous about that, because well… because of the last time me was there and that horrible eye accident (me told you about that in me previous post). But Berry promised me this time Artis would be only fun. And you know what… she was totally right!

We met up with our friends at Amsterdam Central Station and we walked from there to… well not to the Zoo. That would have been crazy. No, we went to de Drie Graefjes first for some nommy cake and coffee! That was so much fun – and so nommy. The apple pie with whipped cream was soooo good.

After a fun ride on the tram we arrived at the zoo. Normally we always first visit the animals and go to the zooshop (or adoption agency) at the end of the day. This time we decided to go to the store first. There we adopted this little adorable black jaguar! He is sooo cute! We named him Droppie. That is a Dutch name for liquorice. Me got to cuddle with him all day. Also Tessa and Woody adopted another little sloth and named him Rod. He is in some pictures here too!

So with our new friends we visited the zoo. And no, me no sat on bannisters this time. If me had to sit somewhere, Berry held me up or Tessa held me up. It was extra fun that way. O and me always had wanted to see elephants swimming and this day me got to see that! It was soooo awesome. The little one was so adorable playing in the water. O and we just had the most amazing encounter with a sloth in the greenhouse! Just enjoy some of the pictures we made together!

Also in Artis is this little statue. It represents one of the most known little childrens songs or nursery rhyme. It about a little boy (Dikkertje Dap) who climbed on a ladder (klom op de trap) early in the morning, around 7:15 am (‘s morgens vroeg om kwart over zeven) to feed a sugar cube to the giraffe (om de giraf een klontje te geven). He says: Hi Giraf! (Dag Giraf, zei Dikkertje Dap) Do you know what I got? (weet je wat ik heb gekregen?) Red rubber booties to wear in the rain (rode laarsjes voor de regen). And then the giraffe says NO WAY! (’t Is toch niet waar, zei de giraf), Dikkertje Dikkertje I am impressed (Dikkertje, Dikkertje ik sta paf). And then there is another verse and it ends with that the little boy is allowed to slide of the neck and back of the giraffe and a promise that he will come back tomorrow. It so cute! The story is written by the sweet and great Annie M.G. Schmidt.

It was a great day again! But me think you can see that, right.

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