Saturday, February 08, 2020

A Museum day in Utrecht with the lil elephants

O boy O boy me is really catching up on me instameets of 2018 and me can start on the instameets me had in 2019. But first me have to tell you about the great day me and me lil elephant buddies Richie and Keith had in Utrecht. We went to the Centraal Museum and to the nijntje Museum. Me love nijntje, it was great fun! But let’s start by telling you more about the whole day. (pictures by Berry de Nijs)

We started with coffee and nommy nommy cakes at the Bakkerswinkel in the city. It looks really like you are having breakfast in England. Hihi.

Then we went to the Kloostertuin behind the Dom Church. It is so pretty and tranquil here. It also feels a little like Hogwarts hihi. Me love to visit it. It also a place where the little elephants like to visit.

After that nommy start we headed to the Centraal Museum. It a big museum with art made by artists from the region, but also international artists. Me really liked all the teapots in the locker room!

We saw a lot of art. Me not very fond of modern abstract art, but me did like the Rietveld chair me got to sit in. It was not comfy, but it was fun. Me did like the old historic dollhouse at the museum. But me looooved the attic: it was the old studio of Dick Bruna, the Father of nijntje (you may know her as Miffy). It was so cool!

And then! O boy, we went to visit the nijntje Museum. It is on the other side of the road from the Centraal Museum. That was the most fun! You can really play in the world of nijntje. We visited Dick Bruna, me read stories to the lil elephants, we played around the animals and just had a lot of fun! This is a museum suitable for plushies (and little kids) hihi.

O boy that was a lot of fun! 2018 was a great Instameet year. There is one instameet me still need to talk about, me will do that next week. And then… me need to tell you about all me adventures of 2019! O boy, me need to write a lot of stories. Until next time!

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