Me love Art! Me even loves to paint a chocolat chip cookie once in a while. But me also loves to go to a museum and ponder away while looking at statues and paintings. Last week me went to the Van Gogh Museum and to the Statuepark Anningahof because Berry needed to go there for her work. Me tagged along happily ofcourse. Because me sure do Love me some art! Especially when it is this adorable as Grazzly, the grass bear. (photos by:
Berry de Nijs)
HAPPY CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE DAY! Me is gonna celebrate in STYLE. And then me must find the brave person who made this day a holiday. A... me favorite cookie has its own holiday. How cool is that. After some Chocolate Chip Cookie appreciation me is going to eat a whole batch of me fave cookie. Will you be celebrating too? If you want, share some pictures with me!
Hello! Me is back with a new introduction of a neighbour on the Dutch Sesamestreet: Pino. Me mentioned Pino before during the Dutch alphabet (remember P is for…), but now me will properly introduce him. Pino (you pronounce it as Pee-no) is a very big, blue bird. He is the cousin of Big Bird. Pino has colourful feathers on top of his head. He may be tall and a goofball, but he is just a little kid too. Pino is only four years old.
Hi there. Me have been travelling around a lot lately and me is keeping a journal, but me no had any time to write a blog about it. So… me start today with a little blog about a zoo in Gelsenkirchen, Germany. Me know me said me would blog about Dutch stuff, but me like going to zoos in other countries next to the Netherlands too. And hey, it is me blog, right. This zoo is called ZOOM Erlebniswelt and it is in Gelsenkirchen. It was so beautiful and big, me no did see anything yet, but Berry promised me we would go back soon. Me shall tell a little about it.
Today it is May 4th. For the Dutch it is a very important day. Because today it is Remembrance Day. The day all people take two minutes two remember all the fallen since World War II in silence. Every May 4th at 8 pm sharp there will be beautiful ceremonies all over the country. The one Amsterdam is shown on tv and counts as the National ceremony. Our King and Queen will attend this ceremony, together with war veterans from World War II and people of the resistance.