At the end of last year – during the Christmas holiday break – me, Berry, her nephews and supergran went to Dolfinarium. This is a zoo with only marinelife animals, like sealions, fish, walruses and such. We really love it there. It like a day at the sea. So me happy me could go again. It been a while you know. Well, first me thought it was just me going, but where on the highway me heard someone giggling from the backseat. And no, not the nephews. It came from Berry her bag. So me zipped it open and…
Berry had to go to MiniWorld Rotterdam in December and guess who tagged along… heehee… yes! ME! That no surprise, right? She had to go there for her blog (Dutch readers can check it out here: Nieuw in MiniWorld Rotterdam: Belasting & Douane Museum). And me? Well me always tag along with me human bestie. Also MiniWorld Rotterdam was so great, me wanted to write me own blog about it. So come along with me, because me gonna tell you all about it!