Friday, September 19, 2014

R is for...

…Rembrandt, a very famous Dutch painter! He was famous for painting portraits and he was greatly known for his special, mostly brown, golden and dark, colour patterns. His most famous piece is de Nachtwacht (The Nightwatch). Also his selfportrait is very famous throughout the world. Nathan Sawaya even made it with Lego bricks. (Rembrandt’s selfportrait made out Lego bricks)

The letter R is also for regen (rain). It rains a lot in the Netherlands (but not as much as some people might think). Sometimes it even pours and me will get soaking wet! Have you ever walked in the rain when you are only dressed in fuzzy and blue fur? But me do not mind always. Because when me gets home Berry always wraps me up in a cozy blanket and me get hot chocolat milk and cookies. And sometimes when there is rain, me love to look outside, especially when the sun is shining too. Me just love it when a regenboog (rainbow) appears!

Regen / regenboog

At the breakfast table the letter R can be represented by rijstepap (rice porridge), also known as rijstebrij (rice goo). It is made from sweetrice for desserts. Often there is milk involved and some brown sugar. Also yummy is roggebrood (rye bread). Often eaten with unfried bacon and pea soup.

Rijstepap / roggebrood

For the Dutch who are more into salty stuff there is the rookworst (smoked sausage) from the Hema (a popular convenient store where you can buy almost anything from food to clothes and school- and carsupplies). The Hema rookworst is very famous. The Unox rookworst too by the way. There is a sandwich called Broodje Unox (Unox Sandwich). It’s a white bun with an Unox rookworst and a special sauce. Also nice is the rolmops (rollmops herring) made out of pickled herring, some onions and a pickle, rolled up in a nice curl and hold together with a little wooden pick. The Ouwehand rolmops is the most famous and very tasteful.

Rookworst / rollmops

Well, this conclude the letter R. Next week me will have a lot to tell with the letter S. Especially when me can talk about my favourite candy filled holiday! Bye bye for now.

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