Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Open House

Two weeks ago, on a saturday, me went to the Open House day of FC Utrecht. It was loads of fun! Berry bought a new playersshirt (one of the goalie) which is just as blue as my fur! So, when Berry is wearing a red jacket - what she normally does - and me is wearing my red shirt, then we are looking like twins! It is true.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Henkje loves Cookie loves Henkje

Me like to babysit Baby Henk, because he likes to play with me. And chew on me, and drool on me... Ah well.
Too bad me couldn't sit still for a picture...

Thursday, August 10, 2006


There is someone who loves cookies just as much as Cookie.
And it is someone Cookie loves very much too.


Sunday, August 06, 2006

Dutch Alfabet - 4

Cookie likes to talk about the next letter in the Dutch alfabet, which is the same letter in all western alfabets, but hey... the words are definitely different.

The next letter - obviously - is the letter D, of Dropjes (Liqourice, see previous post about Dutch Treats) ofcourse. Me like the black sweetsalty candy, but sometimes it can be stuck inside a tooth...