Monday, May 29, 2006

Rainy day in Holland
or Dolphins in the Rain

Because of a religious holiday, last thursday everyone was free. And because there was only one day in between the thursday and the weekend, most companies proclaimed that as a free day too. So Berry and me had a very long weekend.

A very long, rainfilled weekend.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Keevie & the Dolfinarium - again

This is the life! Behind the steering wheel of Keevie, window open, wind through my fur, sun in your face... cruisin around with a bit of music. Cookies at grabbing range... Cookie can learn to love this!

Monday, May 22, 2006

Dutch Alfabet - 3, or C is for Cookie

So what starts with the letter C?
Coegie, the nickname of Berry starts with a C.
And Centraal Station (Central Station), also starts with a C.
And chocolade (chocolat) and Cool and C-formulier (C-form, dunno what it is for thought).
And then there are Citroenen (lemons) and Cola.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Dutch Alfabet - 2

Starring the letter B.

Well, Berry starts with a B, and she is my best friend... so B is for Berry, that's good enough for me!

Although Berry is an old Dutch name for girls, it is common in the Netherlands to call a boy Berry too. Well... it has to be spelled with an A instead of an E, but it sounds like it... so Berry has a lot of explaining to do.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Sleepy Seals

Picture this, it is nice and warm outside, you can lay yourself down on the beach and you can do absolutely nothing, but stretching yourself, watch the people around you and just being plain lazy...

...and then now the picture that suits the picture in your head...

Friday, May 05, 2006

Sunny Dolfinarium

It was a lovely day to visit the Dolfinarium in Harderwijk today. Berry and me had a very very very busy week, so, it was nice to do something different today. Relaxing in the sun. Watching all the seamammels sunbathing on the beach. Playing in the water...

Me was glad me had some shade once in a while. Me was sweating!